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New courses and workshops





SIBE School 2011
Didactics of biology:
from theory to practice

'Roma Tre' University,
Rome, 22-23 Sept 2011

The course, held by Prof. Milena Bandiera (geneticist and lecturer in Biology Didactics at the 'Roma Tre' University), allowed participants to reflect and test themselves on the fundamentals of innovation in Biology Didactics (the transition from theory to practice, the qualifying principles of teaching activities, 'prescriptions'). There were also two sessions dedicated respectively to methodological innovation in the classroom ('active and cooperative learning', 'one minute paper', 'concept cartoon', 'role playing', 'problem-based learning', 'multiple choice tests') and methodological innovation in the laboratory exemplified through practical activities.

SIBE School 2009
Teaching biological evolution: problems, mistakes, commonplaces, some solution

Abbiategrasso, Milan, 6-8 December 2009

The course, held at the Convento dell'Annunziata in Abbiategrasso (Milan), was attended by around fifteen teachers, mainly from high schools, from various locations in Italy. The course was organised and held by SIBE members with the collaboration of ANISN. The lessons were held by: Marco Ferraguti (The speed of the evolutionary process), Maurizio Casiraghi (Species at the supermarket: is there a barcode of life?), Renato Fani (The tree of life: the phylogeny of prokaryotes), David Caramelli (The evolution of man: new data and new hypotheses), Mauro Mandrioli (Adaptations and phenotypic plasticity), Giorgio Bertorelle (The role of chance in evolution) and Lino Ometto (The things that evolution does not explain). Two presentations on the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences also took place, given by Prof. Marina Galetto (The didactics section of the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences: aims and activities) and Prof. Matteo Cattadori (The didactics section of the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences: relationships with teachers and work in the web). Finally, the meeting was brought to a conclusion by a didactic performance on sexual selection. A bridge was built between two realities that rarely talk to each other: that of research and that of higher education, and we left with the desire to continue collaborating on educational projects.

SIBE School 2008
The logic of evolutionary discovery: experimental strategies, statistical methods and inference techniques

Cogne, Aosta, 15-18 May 2008

The course, organised in collaboration with the Gran Paradiso National Park, was aimed at Master's and PhD students, and hosted a maximum of 15 participants. The course lasted three days (15-17 May), followed by a final excursion (18 May). The school was supported by internationally renowned researchers as lecturers: - John Endler (University of Exeter): Ecology and evolution of animal behaviour. - Lynda Delph (Indiana University): Evolutionary ecology and reproduction in plants. - Curt Lively (Indiana State University): Evolution and co-evolution: sex and genetic diversity in host-parasite systems. - Paolo Sordino (Zoological Station Anton Dohrn, Naples): EvoDevo.

SIBE School 2007
Genome evolution: mechanisms, dynamics and case studies

Viote del Monte Bondone,
Trento, 19-22 June 2007

The first summer school for PhD students promoted by the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology was organised in collaboration with the Alpine Ecology Centre in Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento). Over the four days of the school (19-22 June 2007), fourteen students and six researchers from all over Italy discussed various aspects of genome evolution. The lectures covered both theoretical aspects and examples drawn directly from the lecturers' research topics, ranging from: - Natural selection and genome evolution (J. Parsch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). - Evolution of the plant genome (M. Morgante, University of Udine). - Chromosome evolution (M. Rocchi, University of Bari). - Molecular markers in the study of the genome (L. Bargelloni, University of Padua). - Evolution of the mitochondrial genome of metazoans (C. Gissi, University of Milan). - Advances in genomic research (G. Valle, University of Padua). - The evolution of non-coding DNA (L. Ometto, University of Lausanne)

Trento, 6-9 Giugno 2023

Evolution of genes and species at a large-scale: a practical approach to novel phylogenetic methods in the postgenomic era The field of phylogenetics is growing faster than ever: large-scale genome projects are generating an unprecedented amount of data and there is a parallel constant stream of novel approaches to properly use these resources for genome-scale phylogenetic inference. New approaches can now leverage multicopy gene families, so that phylogenetic inference is no longer restricted to the tiny fraction of single-copy genes. Bayesian approaches to divergence estimation can now analyze genome-scale datasets and hundreds of taxa. However, systematic biases are always looming and can distort our understanding of species and gene relationships. Technical and analytical advances can provide new insights into the evolution of genes and species, but they are not always easy to master... Link to the website:

Simposio Evoluzione 2012
Ferrara, 15-16 Dicembre 2012

This SIBE symposium, organised in collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology of the University of Ferrara and the Natural History Museum of Ferrara, was structured around six main themes: Population Genetics, Ecology, and Demography; Sexual Selection; Phylogenies, Species and Speciation; New Technologies to Study Evolution; Adaptation; and Human Evolution.

2012 Italian workshop on phylogenetic methods and applications
May 14-18, Modena, Department of Biology of the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Organised by Francesco Santini Lecturers: John P. Huelsenbeck, Brian Moore, Francesco Santini, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Saverio Vicario

2011 Italian workshop on phylogenetic methods and applications
August 29-September 1 in Asti Studi Suoperiori University campus, Asti (Italy)

Organised by Francesco Santini Lecturers: Francesco Frati, John P. Huelsenbeck, Brian Moore, Francesco Santini, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Saverio Vicario

2010 Italian workshop on phylogenetic methods and applications
August 27-September 1 in Abbiategrasso

Organised by Francesco Santini. Lecturers: Michael E. Alfaro, Francesco Frati, John P. Huelsenbeck, Alessandro Minelli, Brian Moore, Davide Pisani, Francesco Santini, Alexandros Stamatakis

Inferring phylogenies from metagenomic data

8th September 2024

Organised in partnership with European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA)​ Keynote speaker: Robert Waterhouse, Lausanne University, Switzerland More info and programme:

Best practice for high quality genome assembly

4th September 2022

Organised in partnership with European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA)​ Keynote speaker: Robert Waterhouse, Lausanne University, Switzerland More info and programme:

Exploring evolution
using tree-based methods:
phylogenetics, molecular clocks, barcoding, and phylogenomics

24-26 February 2021 on Zoom

Evolution can deepen our understanding of biological processes by revealing how things come to be the way we currently observe them. A useful type of methods are those based on phylogenetic inferences. The aim of the course is to understand the principles of some of these methods aimed at exploring how species evolved and how genes evolved in these species. The course is structured in 3 full days (8 academic hours per day) with a combination of lectures, practicals, and presentations. Skills acquired. An overview of the practical tools for studying the evolution of genes and the diversification of species (molecular phylogenetics, metabarcoding, estimates of divergence times using molecular clocks, dNdS); skills in presenting and discussing scientific articles that use phylogenetic methods. The course provides 3 ECTS. Program Monday 22 - 9:00-10 Welcome and Software checking - 10-13 Molecular phylogenetics from alignment to trees with practical on MEGA (A. Luchetti, Bologna U.) - 14-18 Bayesian inference and Molecular clock  with practical on BEAST (O. Rota-Stabelli Omar, Trento U.) Tuesday 23 - 9:00-13:00 DNA metabarcoding with a practical on Qiime2 (Anna Sandionigi, University Bicocca) - 14:00-18:00 Phylogenomics with practical on dNdS with PAML (Lino Ometto, Pavia University); Wednesday 24 - 9:00-12:00 preparation of the afternoon presentations by students - 14:00-19:00 Students-Teacher Phylogenetic Journal Club

SIBE-Irsae Summer course 2019
Phylogenetics meet
Population genetics

27 August-01 September 2019, FEM Campus and Botanical Garden of University of Padua

Phylogeny studies inter-specific variations and typically describes the macroveolutionary changes of organisms over long time scales; population genetics instead typically focuses on the intra-species variability and describes microevolutionary changes occurred during the relatively recent history of a population. The two disciplines are characterised by different tools and methods, and too often phylogeneticists do not understand what population geneticists do, and vice versa. With this course we aim at stimulating a dialogue and a constructive discussion between students and teachers with phylogenetics, population genetics, but also ecological backgrounds, in such a way that we can appreciate the complementary nature of these disciplines. All students should be united by the will to understand better each other’s methodological processes. The course will cover some important applications such as detection of positive selection using PAML, site frequency spectrum analysis using Sweepfinder, inference of divergence time using BEAST, inference of population past demography using Fastsimcoal.

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