Joining SIBE is easy, as well as useful and cool!
To join SIBE for the first time, first fill in the form at the bottom of this page and send it by email or post to:
Lisa Locatello
Secretariat Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology
c/o Dept. of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms (BEOM)
Zoological Station Anton Dohrn - Fano Marine Centre
Viale Adriatico 1/N, 61032 Fano - Italy
To renew your membership, simply pay the biennial fee, valid for the current and the following year. If you have any doubts about the status of your subscription and payment, please contact the secretariat.
The two-year subscription fees are:
50 € for ordinary members
25 € for students/non-structured (students, PhDs and postdocs)
The life membership fee is € 600
Payment of the membership fee can be made by:
Bank transfer addressed to the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology (tax code 92048830050) with bank details:
Banca Intesa San Paolo
IBAN: IT 48 J 03069 67684 510789975708
Causal: Name Surname, SIBE membership fee for the years 2025-2026
Valid for payment from SEPA countries: Italy, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Finland, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Denmark, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Hungary, Croatia, Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Principality of Monaco, Switzerland
For payment from extra-SEPA countries please contact the secretariat: -
PayPal, following the link below, by selecting the fee 'Ordinary' or 'Reduced'.
If payment is made from a PayPal account not in the member's name, please inform the secretariat of the name associated with the fee paid.